


如果您正在寻找有史以来最好的标志,那么你就是到了正确的地方。在这篇文章中,我们围绕了我们的顶级徽标的选择。尽管徽标是整体身份方案的相对较小的部分,但徽标的实力也是品牌成功的重要组成部分。对于客户来说,徽标可能是公司最重要的接触点 - 这使得客户锁在其中并形成债券。

客户潜意识地从这些标志中占据意义,并关心他们。这是通过公众大声响应的频率和激烈地引入新标识的频率。那么为何不?品牌机构Wolff Olins联合创始人Michael Wolff认为,品牌属于其客户;他们定义它,因为他们是购买产品或使用其服务的人。不出所料,讨论徽标远远超出全球品牌机构的演示室。

无论您是否对图形设计有兴趣,最佳徽标值得探索。在过去的125年里,找出BP Logo看起来像是令人兴趣的是,在1930年,或者讨论了过去125年的可口可乐身份(或缺乏进化)的演变。阅读我们对我们对这些徽标如此标志的原因的看法,以及设计它们的人的主要见解。

有关如何创建一个经受时间考验的品牌标记的提示,探索我们的标志设计提示或查看我们在哪里找到最好的建议徽标设计灵感18新利最新版。您可能也想探索我们的最爱会标标志, 或者最好的3个字母的徽标做过。



1977年,Milton Glaser设计了我喜欢出租车后面的纽约标志,收费为零







"Well, the [design] field itself is dominated by fashion and by the idea of selling stuff, so you have to be concerned with what’s currently being done, and the economy is based on the idea of change and new styles, and this year's whatever. Unfortunately, that's not the real basis for serious work."

"If you're more serious about it, you have to be more concerned about durability and ideas that go beyond the moment, so I think the best designers around are always designers that have had a kind of broader look and don’t change with the prevailing wind. If you find that all you’re doing is copying what is already being done, you'll have no position in the field. You'll have nothing to offer and, after 20 years of doing it, you're nowhere."


"I have an 'arm's length' relationship to it, but I'm also mad about what you can do with a computer. I love working with other people on the computer, sort of like dancing. It’s a way of working collaboratively that’s never been done before."

"But you have to come to it with an existing sense of form. If you don't have form and an understanding of visual phenomena, and don’t understand how to draw, from my point of view, it's a very mischievous instrument because it forces you into patterns that it imposes."

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