

这种丰富多彩的创作是对主题'花园'的回应 (图片信用:Instagram上的Manumontoyae)

由于创意社区和检疫艺术俱乐部的努力,孤立已经对许多努力进行了巨大的努力。通过儿童的插画家Carson Ellis在Instagram上设置,日常挑战是享受乐趣和独特的方式,保持联系 - 加上新的东西。


让自己的提示你好。你在世界上有一段时间在小纸上写大量单词吗?优秀的。昨天,作业是绘制一个由我随意选择的三个提示的照片。今天,作业是制作自己的一组提示。以下是:首先,提出三类。我为自己的提示使用的类别是:mundane:这些是描述性的单词和短语,这些单词和短语不是普通的,就像浓密的眉毛,美丽的眼睛,或携带婴儿。传输:这些是具有普通字体的描述性单词和短语。传输意味着不属于物理或可见的世界。这些提示是奇怪的,无法盔甲或超自然的,就像有青蛙的头,发光,或者是一个巨人。 GARB: these are words that describe attire, like WEARING A BIG HAT, WEARING A MAGIC RING, or WEARING SKIS. You can use my categories or come up with your own but your prompts will work better - be more interesting, and less redundant - if you have three distinct categories. Here are some other category ideas: Animals, Professions, Colors, Moods, Hobbies, Foods, Locations, Characters from Books, Props, Hairstyles, Monsters, etc. etc. Choose three. Next, think of as many things as you can in each category and write them down on slips of paper. It’s important to keep the three categories separate - mine are color-coded so I can easily sort them into piles. The more prompts you have the better. I have about 90 of them. Which is a lot! You could start with 30 - ten in each category - and add more anytime. Put the prompts in three bowls (or hats or coffee mugs), close your eyes, and choose one prompt from each category. Now open your eyes, marvel at this funny combination, and draw it! You can also write a story or a poem or a song to accompany your drawing. If you want to share it, use these hastags: #QACyourownprompts #quarantineartclub Make sure to post your prompts along with your art so we can see them. Swipe to see an example. Okay, have fun! Stay home! Wash your hands! Carson

由@carsonellis发布的照片​​于3月17日,2020年在晚上10:13 PM PDT



连续线轮廓图形轮廓图是仅使用线制造的图片 - 无颜色或阴影。有多种轮廓绘图练习。有时你会快速抽签;有时你画得很慢;有时你没有看你的论文(那个被称为“盲目轮廓”,我们也会在某个时候做一个)。他们所含有共同之处的事情是他们要求您非常密切地看着您绘制的东西,并弄清楚如何使用行描述它。以下是我们将如何制作我们的:第一步:找到一些东西。这应该是一个不会移动的一个小物体:鞋子,杯子,玩具,帽子,萝卜,刮刀,瓶子,花朵,一个口琴。看看你的房子,为与你说话的东西。第二步:将物体放在桌子或桌子上。 Put a piece of paper and a pencil or pen in front of it. Pull up a chair and have a seat. STEP THREE: Looking very closely at the object, begin to slowly draw its outline. (If you’re not sure what this means, make sure to swipe and watch the tutorial.) Look at the object as much or maybe more than you look at your paper. Draw SLOWWWLLY and don’t lift your pen or pencil off the paper at all until you’ve completed the object’s outline. The idea is to draw the outer shape of it. Include all the little bumps and angles you see. When you’re done, it should look like a silhouette and you should have drawn it with a single line. This outline may look wonky to you. It may not look like the thing you’re drawing, but don’t try to fix it. You’re not allowed to. Move on to step four. STEP FOUR: Using long lines and continuing to draw slowly, fill in some of the details of the object. You can lift your pen or pencil off the paper now but try not to do it much. Try to make your lines long. This exercise is about LOOKING CLOSELY. Don’t draw lines where you think they should be - draw lines where you see them. Okay good luck! If you want to share your work, use the hashtags #QACcontinuouscontour #quarantineartclub Carson

由@carsonellis发布的照片​​于3月18日,2020年9:28 PM PDT




该项目已在艺术表达中聘用,专家边缘Ellis带来了该系列,为Illustrator的创意过程提供了独特的洞察力。我们也喜欢Noel Firiling的艺术俱乐部这是在Twitter上进行的,这有一些辉煌的随机结果。

看看其余的卡森埃利斯的检疫艺术俱乐部在她的Instagram页面上,找到自画像等其他作业,你喜欢谁。埃利斯的孩子们的书,家,也恰好是我们最喜欢的图片书籍之一 - 在我们的破录中找到更多图片书籍大约。
